I’m in the Adult Entertainment industry.

Well, not really, I’m a songwriter.  I am an adult-contemporary singer-songwriter, but it’s nearly the same industry.

You’re competing with other hot women to get attention.  You compete and compete to get fucked over and over again.


I have to say, this isn’t the business for softies.  You have to be tough…firm, if you will. 😉

It’s an interesting thing when I think of it.  Adult Contemporary.  It’s much harder to get your audience.  Most adults already have their favorites, and can be generally busy and not into you.  You aren’t marketing to teenagers who are the majority of the listeners, because they aren’t really going to understand the message you are trying to portray or the story you are telling.  You have to be brave and reach out to pig headed, stubborn adults and sometimes it’s difficult.

I venture to rise above this however, by giving them something of substance.  Something that not only their ears will hear and it will be a pleasing sound, but also a pleasing message.  To get the job done quicker, many of us listen to music to speed the process along…this is where time fails us.  We work and work until nothing is left.  We as somewhat adults are in and out of relationships so quickly now a days, and we certainly don’t want to listen to advice once we have grown up….so what’s left?  TV?

There’s got to be more in this world than what we are currently doing.  We need more happiness and less business.  More love and less money.  More songs of love and less sex.

That’s just my opinion, but who am I?  I am a songwriter…in the Adult Entertainment Industry.  Godbless the followers of this blog, you are getting to know who I am on the inside.  Be blessed.

It’s a cluster again

My what a beautiful morning.. Although to here is little time for sharing in it. I am fluctuating between grateful and inquisitive as I have been pushed into a new place in life that wasn’t quite predicted.

I am happy in knowing this will settle one day, and I’ll tell you all the stories of my world. I see a different world.

I see famous people loving our countries more with loads of money to stay free. They get time to see children starving , take one home, and celebrate their heroism on tv.

But what would it be if they weren’t rich and famous? Would they have the same heart? Or does money make the world go round, and humanitarianism too.

I for one, will give occasionally to homeless people, but my line has always been “are you gonna pay my rent”. Would I give more if I was more fortunate? Or should the inevitable happen…give more now and get later….

I’ll choose the latter.